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Jean Larnaudie 的专业知识植根于 Quercy 的 Lot 60 多年 年。 他们敬业的团队致力于区域专业知识并对鹅肝酱充满热情,鹅肝酱已成为假日季节的主食。

Jean Larnaudie

意大利鱼子酱的生产是完美回归 祖先的传统。 1581 年罗马鱼市的浅浮雕上有一条鲟鱼——这表明在 16 世纪,半岛上就已经食用鱼子酱了。

鲟鱼的鱼卵(卵)会迅速变质,因此必须尽快对其进行处理。 鱼卵的硬度只有在刚捕获的鲟鱼中才能发现,这使得鱼子酱的质量更高。

受保护的地理区域 说明
生产鱼子酱的鲟鱼极度濒危,作为受保护物种,鱼子酱的所有生产和销售均受《濒危物种国际贸易公约》(CITES) 管制。

自 2007 年以来,Jean Larnaudie 的鹅肝酱 参加比赛以展示他们的专业知识和产品质量。 迄今为止,他们已经赢得了 63 枚奖牌。

Jean Larnaudie
Jean Larnaudie 的专业知识植根于 Quercy 的 Lot 60 多年 年。 他们敬业的团队致力于区域专业知识并对鹅肝酱充满热情,鹅肝酱已成为假日季节的主食。

Quality Is At The Core
Quality is at the core of Jean Larnaudie’s job, as high quality raw materials are essential to prepare a good Foie Gras. They work closely with their suppliers to continuously improve the quality of their recipes. Jean Larnaudie pays special attention to the quality of their raw materials and selection of their Foie Gras in order to provide exceptional products. Their expertise is passed down from generation to generation, and they are always looking for new flavors to enhance their Foie Gras and ensure customer satisfaction.

Regional Know How
The company is dedicated to preserving the expertise of the South West of France, where Foie Gras is still largely manually produced. Their staff is trained by elders who transfer their experience to keep the regional know-how alive. 

Protected Geographical Indication
Jean Larnaudie’s Foie Gras is made with ducks raised and processed in the South West of France, as guaranteed by the South West Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). Their ducks are raised outdoors and fed quality food that is controlled and regulated. Production is carried out in accordance with South West tradition. 

Since 2007, Jean Larnaudie’s Foie Gras has been presented in competitions to showcase their expertise and product quality. They have won 63 medals to date.

Jean Larnaudie